Secure your Value - Why Vendor Risk Management is important

Cyber Security Solutions
18. November 2019 durch
Secure your Value - Why Vendor Risk Management is important

Why vendor Risk Management ?

Often times, organisations look at cyber security only from within their networks, but their partner, supplier, and vendors can create just as much risk.
Every organisation works with 3rd parties, so they also hold much of their sensitive data.
What about the vendor that holds some of your GDPR sensitive data, or the partner that has access to your Intellectual Property.
These are risk you want to keep contained.

Think about all the information send via email to your partners and vendors. This information is now a vulnerability, should your vendor not be secure.


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How can we help ?

We continuously identify, monitor, and manage vendor risk. 
With our service we help you gain insight into your vendor risk 24x7. 
Should your vendor become a liability we will work with them to improve their score.

Use cases:
  • Vendor Risk Management

  • Vendor selection

  • Reputation Management

  • Compliance and Reporting

  • Merger & Acquisition

  • Cyber Underwriter


Secure your Value - Why Vendor Risk Management is important
AMONTEC GmbH, MARINOKO.ORG 18. November 2019
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